Saturday, April 28, 2007

about Chapter 3: ‘Haz lo que quieras’

The whole discussion has been about freedom, but, what does it mean? ....
Let´s try to define it according to Savater’s words. In a way, it is the possibility of choosing either positively or negatively. The awareness of our own capacity of inventing our own life in the way we want is what characterizes us as human beings.
We, teachers, need to reflect on the possibilities of creating our own path of choices in life since each time we face the everyday classroom issues we are deciding the best possible way of solving them and making the difference on our students.
Those decisions should be considered under our own personal moral.And it is important to make up for what we consider good/bad with different morals in the classroom. There we have students, parents and school community morals mixed up together. Moreover, it is our responsibility to be FREE enough to cope with them, to choose, and to teach our students how to be free in life, incidentally teaching our subject.


Elisa de Tiro said...

You mentioned "responsibility to be FREE enough to teach our students how to be free in life" I think thats really interesting. Freedom, as I see it, is not only about being able to do anything but also about letting others be free too, you know?, and there is where your work as teachers is important: in teaching us, students, to be free, but to be free in society, to teach us till which point we can be free and where is it that the freedom of my partner starts.

..David.. said...

As you say "It is our responsibility to be FREE enough to cope with them, to choose, and to teach our students how to be free in life..." that`s why I think as teachers you have a great responsability to teach how to be free in life, but remember you´ll need to have a clear concept on what freedom means; and also learn how to transmit it to them!!! As dido also say "Freedom, as I see it, is not only about being able to do anything but also about letting others be free too, you know?" and i think that`s the most challenging trial in your carrer as a teacher, becouse you`ll be able to see and KNOW what are the best choices to be made by your students, but you will have to be FREE enough to let them go and do whatever they want to, even if those choices will hurt them and make them fall...but i know, as a good teacher you are, you will be there to give a helping hand and reach them out.
I know you will...
Peace out!

Yohi said...

Thanks people for being here an giving your opinions. I trully belive that to change the world we need to focus ourselves on EDUCATION, and not only we teachers but students and everybody should be aware thet freedom means being aware of the choices we have.
What we can do as educators is help, showing that there is always a choice and foster critical thinking.


Rodrigo said...

Hello Yohi!
I totally agree that in the teaching profession we need to reflect carefully about our choices: as regards classroom practice, contents, discipline, relationship with our colleagues, superiors, parents and, most importantly, our students (tough, isn't it? ;-)). I think that, as we've seen, we should always bear in mind where we stand regarding our beliefs (our morals) and act accordingly. In my opinion, one of the things that follow from what Savater mentions as "realizing that we're choosing" is a certain consistency in that election because, if we choose conscientously, this will reflect make our work more effective and responsible. However, as we are constantly learning & our values may vary ( we don't attach the same value to things now as we did when we were children), we teachers should also allow ourselves to listen and, why not, learn from other people's values. I think that those different morals you mention can add up to our work & ourselves. ( and we can add up to those morals, too!)
Not an easy task, is it?
But we're free to give it a try;-)!

Gladys Baya said...

What can I say? Looks live I've "arrived too late". So many interesting comments have already been made... I'd better "shut up" and listen...

BTW, have you watched "Mona Lisa Smile" (starring Julia Roberts)? One of Ms Watson's students made a decision she strongly disagreed with. Learning to accept that seemed to be one of the many challenges she had to face, and it set me thinking of how I'd cope with such a situation myself!



Yohi said...

Not and easy task at all Ro. Now related to what Gladys have just mention, accepting other's desitions is part of us as human beings too. We cannot make others do what we have chosen for them, I guess that the key is FREE WILL.