Monday, April 16, 2007

about Chapter 2: 'Ordenes, costumbres y caprichos'

The fact that the decisions we make are convenient or not for ourselves may vary according to the context we are in. As we have already mentioned, choosing is what life is about. Now, are those choices being made against our will?
In Savater's terms, there are three reasons that condition our decisions: customs, orders or whims. On one hand, when we speak about customs, we have in mind what society expects from us and how we have been educated. On another hand, orders refer to actions done because somebody is telling us what to do. Finally, whims are internal willing, either egoist or altruist ones, connected with our own desires.
Nowadays, the development of this globalized world doesn't need people working as slaves or machines. It needs critical thinkers able of facing unfair orders, changing customs acquired to keep the Status-quo, and with down to earth whims.
It is part of our job as educators to help our students to recognize the context in which they are immersed. It is important, for us as teachers and as part of the society, to identify which is the reason that influences our actions so as to act in consequence. It is important to be responsible for our own choices and not to blame others.
Let's be critical, let's question ourselves and the community we are part of. Let´s be aware of the reasons we have for our own actions. We have the full potential to do things better, don't you think so?


Gladys Baya said...

Once again, I've certainly enjoyed your shared thoughts, Yohi! :-D
Your conclusion fills me with enthusiasm, and reminds me we need to work on teaching our classes to reflect upon their choices and face responsibility for them (not a minor issue now I've started teaching young teens again!).
You've also said "this globalized world doesn't need people working as slaves or machines". May I just say I'm not that sure there's one unified need in "this globalized world"? What I am certain of is that you cannot build a democracy without critical thinkers, and a "democratic world" is an option I choose to support!


Yohi said...

I consider that EDUCATION is the tool to create that DEMOCRATIC WORLD. The responsability of doing things better is inside ourself.
Let´s do it toghether!!!!

Elisa de Tiro said...

I totally agree with the fact that we have full potential to do things better! We do have it!!
Being a student my self, let me tell you that we really spect to get from our educators the help that we need so that we can be ready, once we get into the real world, to know wich orders to obey, to know what is it that society actually spects from us, and how is it that we know untill which point our whims are "down-to-earth".
Nowadays it is very easy to blame others for our actions, under the exscuse "no one ever taught me how to be responsible for my actions", and thats why I'm really glad to see that you, "educators to be", are able to discuss and understand this kind of topics

Yohi said...

thanks Dido... your thoughts are really important. They helps us teachers and teachers to be to keep our discussions real and focusing on what is importnat, our students...

..David.. said...

How you say "choosing is what life is about", that´s the reazon why our decision are important fo us, specially if you are a teacher,becouse the choices you make will have a great impact in the lives of the people you teach to. i`m not a teacher, but i´ve been an student my entire life and i am so thankfull for those teachers who knew what choices the needed to make for our good. i say so, becouse you say "It is part of our job as educators to help our students to recognize the context in which they are immersed".ant that`s big true, that´s what make of whole difference in the students´lives!!!
I completly belive that you are one of those teacher and that you will be such a good blessing on students´ lives!!!
keep it real!!! good job!!!

Gladys Baya said...

How interesting contributions Dido and David have made! :-)

Yoha, you've certainly started gathering a great bunch of readers!

Happy blogging!


Yohi said...

My life is surrounded by great people .... most of them, english speakers.... I hope my blogg helps them to express themselves.
Let's invite some others to express themselves too.

Sus Nyrop said...

Hello Dido and readers,

First of all, I'm an online colleague and friend of Gladys in Denmark. And I'm also involved with teacher education, currently reading a bachelor project about self formation in the late modernism, and how to let students themselves develop their own tastes and dislikes, by participation in aesthetic learning processes.The authors claim that we as educators should encourage each individual person to make personal experiences and become enabled to share her tastes (or the things that she like) and refuse to accept her dislikes. Only then, her self will be strong enough to contribute to society as a unique person, as opposed to a more traditional conception of a common ground for formation, that should overrule the individual for the benefit of the social community group. I am really trying to get deeper into these thoughts as they seem very different to how we normally look at education. I would love to ehar your opinion and if you can relate to what I'm talking about here?