Savater’s key word when defining a human being is interaction, meaning the exchange between human beings. Have we ever considered how we develop that interaction through our lives? Are we aware of the influence we have on our students and that they have on us? 
We can either develop that interaction through materialism, or through a net of human relationships. On the one hand, we mean materialism when we use human beings as if they were things that you can put away when no longer in use. On the other hand, human relationships are so when they complicate everyday life.
Complications usually have a negative connotation; however for us today complication will be the feeling of enjoying life and the chance of making our own decisions. So, if we had discuss so far in our previous entries that what we should focus on is living a good life, it is living a complicated life with others what we want to foster in our students.
Let’s influence our students to see the other meanings of a complicated life, let’s start enjoying share with others. Let’s foster the society we want to live in, where everybody is aware of others’ feelings and materialism is avoided. Let’s keep our jobs real and be open-minded so as to perceive our students influences in our lives.

We can either develop that interaction through materialism, or through a net of human relationships. On the one hand, we mean materialism when we use human beings as if they were things that you can put away when no longer in use. On the other hand, human relationships are so when they complicate everyday life.
Complications usually have a negative connotation; however for us today complication will be the feeling of enjoying life and the chance of making our own decisions. So, if we had discuss so far in our previous entries that what we should focus on is living a good life, it is living a complicated life with others what we want to foster in our students.
Let’s influence our students to see the other meanings of a complicated life, let’s start enjoying share with others. Let’s foster the society we want to live in, where everybody is aware of others’ feelings and materialism is avoided. Let’s keep our jobs real and be open-minded so as to perceive our students influences in our lives.
Dear Yohana,
It was Immanuel Kant (1724-1804; Prussian) who said: "Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only." I believe your post clearly reminds us of this "human duty!" (though later this year we'll see not everybody has agreed!).
I've just checked my dictionary: right you are, "complicate" is defined (among other options" as "make richer". next tiem I feel like grunting because those around me "complicate my life", I'll try and remember your entry here, and smile instead!
This is really interesting, you know?, I'd never seen it that way... complicate as make reacher...
Anyway... I really liked, about this post, the point of human beings being defined with the word interaction, because that is what it is about, sharing, and you know? that's a really good thing to have in mind when educatimg people... Other topics, which you posted before, referred to matters such as knowing what society spects from us, being part of a society; and, I think, to do all that we must first learn to enjoy sharing with others, sharing we society, I'm really glad you teachers have this in mind!!!
We learn from every single experience we have in life, no matter how awful it is... imagine what life would be like if everything were simple!!! BORIIIING! You're one of the strongest people I've bumped into in my life, and I'm really happy I've got to know you... so get up and keep on complicating your life!!!
Love (really mean it!)
Thanks people for being there for me when I need it... I guess I've complicated my life much more than expected... but I am trying to enjoy it again...
You can't imagine how much I am learning from you and from myself as well...
Learning from others and from ourselves... what a fabulous lifelong goal, Yoha!
All my love,
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