Sunday, June 3, 2007

about Chapter 7: ‘Ponte en su lugar’

"We are such stuff

As dreams are made on and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep..." (Shakespeare)

So far, we have discussed that we need to make the right choices so as to live a good life. We need to consider that life as a human one, and this means, living with other human beings. So, the first thing that comes to our minds is if those others love us, isn’t it? Now, have you ever had the feeling that you are being used instead of loved? Do you care others so as to be cared?
In order to distinguish if we are being loved or used, we need to define what we understand for loving others. According to Savater, being loved is no only being important to somebody else but also to be understood. When we understand others, when we step on their shoes, we love them. We may fail and treat them as things; we may forget that we share what make us human beings, the ability to express ourselves through words. But we must take into account is that all of us have the same rights, rights to be understood, rights to be different.
We as teachers need to care about others, we need to understand them and love them. It is not only being more humans but choosing how to do it.


Gladys Baya said...

I'm afraid I don't follow you this time, Yohana... :(
You say:
* "being loved is no only being important to somebody else but also being understood": does this mean that, in your view, if I care a lot about somebody and yet cannot understand them at some moment I'm failing to love them? If so, are you talking about realistic love or some ideal love?

* "what make us human beings, the ability to express ourselves through words": you can't mean "words" exaclty, I guess; if you do, what about an illiterate dumb person?

Ca't wait to read your reply!

Love and blessings (and I do mean each! ;-)!)

..David.. said...

i really like the way you explain that loving is not only
caring about others but understanding them as well.
I think that`s the reason why we love to be with someone
who cares about us, is not only about feelings, is
not just to be loved, but to be understood,
knowing you are understood by someone in this entire
world with billions and billions of people makes you feel
special, doesn´t it?
and i guess that´s where we can show that person we love him/her
by using our ability to express our feelings thru words
and it`s not necesary to be a literature freak to express it
becouse we can use a few words
to show them that we are not using them as simple things, but that we do care about them...

keep it real!!!


Elisa de Tiro said...

Hey!... such a long time!!.
Personally, I loved this post, I felt really touched by it!...
You ask "Have you ever had the feeling that you are beimg used instead of loved?" and my answer would go "Yes, I have" and from that experience I would have to agree with Gladys, I don't think love is about understanding the people you love or being understood by them, but about loving them inspite of not being able to understand them.
All my life I've had problemes at school, I've been used by many people and once one teacher told me "they think they can't love you because you're different, show them wrong!" and I did, you know? Now, that I'm in fifth year I see that my situation is much better, but I didn't change, I learnt to love my partners even if I could not understand them, and some of them learnt to do that as well.
From where I see it, it is important to learn how to love people you dont understand or who dont understand you... XD



Yohi said...

Hi people!
Such a long time, isn't it?
* I personally believe that we can love somebody very much but we need to understand them (at least understand and accept that they are different) in order to speak about true love. (At least, thet's my view)

* Gladys, of course I didn't mean WORD, actually what I meant was the ability to express ourselves by any kind of language (no matter if it is throught deaf language)

I hope I made myself clear!

Gladys Baya said...

Just to say you've definitely made yourself cleat, Yoha!
And Dido, I thought your post reveals the wonderful human being you appear to be... Those around you are lucky to know you!