Hi everybody! Such a long time without posting, isn’t it? I’m back and with a very important issue … POLITICS… mmm
I guess that it’s important now to mention that apart from a teacher to be, I am taking Political Science as a course of studies at Universidad de Buenos Aires, senseless to say that I am in my element now.
What is Politics? Who are ‘the’ politicians? What ethics has to do with politics? One of the most important ideas I take from Savater is that ethics helps us improve ourselves and not to reproach others.
Politics are everything surrounding us, each relationship between two people involves power and politics indeed. It is deep in ourselves as part of the society to develop the type of politician we want to be.
According to Savater the political community needs to be based on freedom, justice and help; and its politicians need to prioritize human rights above all. Now, If we look in restrospect, has our country been on balance throughout its history?
I consider that is in our hands as teachers’ and human beings’ to become aware of the kid of politicians we want to be and take an active role in this society. The first time I was asked why I wanted to become a teacher… my answer was ‘to change the world’. Now, a year and a half later I don’t want to change the world, I want to help others to become aware that there is always another option, either in your personal life or your life with others.
Thanks a lot for helping me reflect upon that.
I guess that it’s important now to mention that apart from a teacher to be, I am taking Political Science as a course of studies at Universidad de Buenos Aires, senseless to say that I am in my element now.
What is Politics? Who are ‘the’ politicians? What ethics has to do with politics? One of the most important ideas I take from Savater is that ethics helps us improve ourselves and not to reproach others.
Politics are everything surrounding us, each relationship between two people involves power and politics indeed. It is deep in ourselves as part of the society to develop the type of politician we want to be.
According to Savater the political community needs to be based on freedom, justice and help; and its politicians need to prioritize human rights above all. Now, If we look in restrospect, has our country been on balance throughout its history?
I consider that is in our hands as teachers’ and human beings’ to become aware of the kid of politicians we want to be and take an active role in this society. The first time I was asked why I wanted to become a teacher… my answer was ‘to change the world’. Now, a year and a half later I don’t want to change the world, I want to help others to become aware that there is always another option, either in your personal life or your life with others.
Thanks a lot for helping me reflect upon that.
Good to have you back "live and blogging", Yoha!
You know, when you said "politics is everywhere" you reminded me of quite a cliche: "love is all around" :-P... Now, I asked myself, why is it I feel so differently about these two, if both refer to undeniable facts of human relationships.. When was it I started associating "politics" with hatred or selfishness??? Does anybody out there share my feelings? Please "speak up"!!!
Finally, 2 questions for you:
What was it you wanted to change about the world when you made up your mind to become a teacher? And why have you stopped wanting to change it?
Eager to know,
Hi Gladys... What a warm welcome!
I had always thought that there was another way of doing things (actually my way... haha) and I consider that to change something you need to be an active part of it. If what is wrong is power you need to take part in politics.
Now, when I realize that to change certain things such as behaviour towards the enviroment, social demonstrations or public policies you need to educate people from the beginning... that was the moment when I decided to become a teacher.
I didn't stop wanting to change it, just I've learnt that my way is not the only way. The teacher training college taught me that.
Hoping that it this answers your questions....
Wow! That's no little learning for somebody who's just been working on this issue for only 18 months!!! You know, sadly, some teachers retire without ever having reached such a point, I believe...
I wish you the very best in your "quest" to make the world a better place for us all... just remember you're not alone!
Keep blogging,
Needless to say that your words make me drop some tears...
You have been an important part on my training.... Thanks for making me reflect on every single word I had said!!!!!
You can't imagine how worthy it was!
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