In this scene we are presented with a very excited Rita, she has just been to professional theatre. In her lunch time, she goes to Frank’s to tell him about Macbeth, the play she saw. She is so excited about the play that she wants to write an essay about it, but the language she uses to describe her feelings is quite inappropriate for a paper. For instance, she says “(...) it wasn’t borin’, it was bleedin’ great, honest, ogh, it done me in, it was fantastic.” In this case, not only being motivated is enough for a good paper, she needs to polish her language since is plenty of slang and markers of substandard language.
Willy Russell, the author, is trying to put in words the relationship between Rita and Frank. Through an apple and a can of soda he shows us how the characters take care of each other. It symbolises also the attitude of sharing between the teacher and the student.
If you want to learn more about the symbolism of apple in different cultures, click here.
If you want to learn more about the symbolism of apple in different cultures, click here.
Two questions for you this time, Yoha:
1. We started this discusion in class, I know, but have you decided who (should) set standards at school? And, if you haven't had a look at it yet, don't miss our class wiki page on the origins of Standard English!
2. You tell us the mutual offering of food and drink between Frank and Rita is a symbol of the attitude for sharing good teachers and students must have.. Isn't it interesting to notice that at this stage of the play Frank andRita have learnt to co-live with what each of them has to offer, yest they seem not ready to "take a bit" from each other? Just speculating, you may perfectly think these are just far-fetched speculations...
PS: thanks for the link to the site on the symbolism of apples. Most interesting!
Hi Gla!
1. Even though there are certain laws and regulations that set some standards in education, at least in our country, I would love to see some negotiation within school members for setting them at school. I know it might be quite idealistic, but each member in the school community is also part of the society and needs to have his/her voice on this matter. I know that we can´t create a discussion among all individuals, but probably we can start thinking about the way in which we should go about it…
2. Everything needs time in life, even more when we are talking about relationships. It’s important to highlight their PROCESS of learning to share with each other. This takes time, let’s wait and see….
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me!
Lovely thoughts, Yohana! Just one thing: I don't think we should agree to label "participation by all members of the educational community as "idealistic". Somehow, at one moment or another, everyone should have the opportunity to listen to others and to find their own voice and make it heard! (not on all matters, not all the time, but. at some moment, for sure!).
My 2 cents,
Hi Gla!
I totally agree with you.
I think is a matter of time and of being aware.
Don't you think that all teachers toghether can change the world????
Just thinking a bit..
Hi Yoha!
Not certain all teachers together can change the world, but absolutely positive all of our learners make a difference in somebody else's world every day, and we can contribute to making that difference positive!
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