Sunday, December 2, 2007

Programme of study (Cultural Clash)

As far as we have been discussing, we can agree on the fact that each human being has his/her own culture and each group of individuals has its own culture too, that is the complement among different individual cultures.
Whenever two different cultures interact there must be a clash, it can be a melting pot, where a new homogeneous culture is born, or a salad bowl, where each of the cultures is identifiable.
In the case of Rita and Frank, it is not an exception. There is a clash since both of them come from different backgrounds and expect different things from life.
After reading the whole play, we can agree on the fact that each of them was of high importance on each other’s life, none of the cultures prevailed over the other and they made several choices according to their new selves.
Let me remain you as clear example of this clash, the discussion Rita and Frank had about the wine and the party.


Gladys Baya said...

What do you mean when you say "a group's culture is the complement among different individual cultures", Yohana?

Mindyou, whenever two cultures meet, there is a third option: that, feeling threatened, both of them (or just one of them!?) struggle to prevale, and then one of the cultures is vanished away. Sadly, this is certain to be the case unless those involved believe in multiculturalism!!! :-(

Anywway, I wonder who's starring that clip of "Educating Rita" you've embedded here... It was interesting to see a much younger Frank and Rita, though there was no party to be noticed... and no discussion! I'll do some browsing and maybe even get a chance to see this version too.

Thanks for sharing!

Yohi said...

Hi Gla...
What I tried to say was that one culture that identifies a group as a whole is a good complementation among the crystals that shape the way we see reality (CULTURE)...
It is quite true... and actually a historical fact that poweful cultures overtake weak ones...
Sorry not to take into account them...
