Against what is socially believed, ‘imbecile’ is somebody that either does not know what he/she wants or he/she does it but it is not according to what living a good life means. Are we aware of how imbecile we can be through our lives? Do we take into account how our acts are reflected upon our students’ imbecility?
To reach conscientiousness, as an opposite of the already mentioned imbecility, we need to follow a path that leads us to it. The first step should be taking charge of the things we do, not considering them as irresistible. We need to bear in mind that we always have other choices, are we prepare for them?
The second step is to be responsible for each act we perform and of as many possible consequences as it may bring up. Some of them will generate a feeling of regret when they are not the expected ones.
Therefore, our final step is to be free enough, when making decisions, in order to feel guilty or proud about our own acts. Only after we had reached conscientiousness to our lives, we can foster those steps on our students.
This is really interesting, you know?, because lately it's getting more "In fashion" to guilt others for our own mistakes, of course that way it's easier, but that's not what life is about, is it?.
You mentioned as a last step the fact of "being free enough when making desicions in order to feel guilty or PROUD about our own acts" I think thats directly relatined with selfsteem, as I see it, you know?, because if you are not secure enough of yourself then you will be very dependant on the opinions of others and will always have someone to blame...
Lets all of us reach conciousness to our lives!
A first-class post, if you allow my rating it, Yohana! :-D
I'd like to focus particularly on the last paragraph: it seems to be that reaching that freedom is bound to be a turning point in any human life. At least to me, "the freedom to feel guilty for our own acts" means "accepting our right to make mistakes, to get it wrong once and again"...
What a liberating feeling!!! I wonder, can it be learned? Or does it just come to a few "enlightened" people?
Wondering, just wondering...
Hi everybody!!!!!!
Sorry I am so late but I wanna say that it is our job (but not only as teachers but also as human beings) to help others as much as we can to be free enough to feel....quilt or proud...
AT least.... I am learning and everybody is learning from somebody else...
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