Are we really aware that we are free whether we like it or not? It is always an act of freedom to choose what we want. Now, do we take into account in fact what we want?
The rank we give to what we want in life will vary according to our own expectations of what living a good life is. Moreover, we should reflect our own priorities throughout all aspects of life. (i.g. our family, our job, our studies). We should realize that we are where we are because we choose so.
As far as Savater tells us in his book, the value we have as human beings is the fact that we share with others. We, as teachers, have double responsibility, not only sharing for increasing our own value as people but for helping others, who we are educating, to enrich themselves. They deserve respect and valuation that we have thought for ourselves.
It is important for teachers to take time to reflect upon the priorities we want to emphasize in our students, so as to start building a society where respect and value are the pillars for critical thinking.
The rank we give to what we want in life will vary according to our own expectations of what living a good life is. Moreover, we should reflect our own priorities throughout all aspects of life. (i.g. our family, our job, our studies). We should realize that we are where we are because we choose so.
As far as Savater tells us in his book, the value we have as human beings is the fact that we share with others. We, as teachers, have double responsibility, not only sharing for increasing our own value as people but for helping others, who we are educating, to enrich themselves. They deserve respect and valuation that we have thought for ourselves.
It is important for teachers to take time to reflect upon the priorities we want to emphasize in our students, so as to start building a society where respect and value are the pillars for critical thinking.
Hi Yoha!
I do agree that, partly, "we are where we are because we choose so". But, to me, the tough part is to accept that not everything is the result of my choices (not choices I'm aware of, at least!) :-P
I like the idea you've suggested: to do our job well, we educators need to develop ourselves too.
Let me finish with one strong wish: let college be a true opportunity for you "to reflect upon the priorities we want to emphasize in our students" and to explore the options available to you!
I do agree Gladys that we cannot be aware of all the consequences that our choices will bring us, but the more we reflect the more we can do to develop ourselves accordingly.
We have a great influence among our students, let's take it into account and start thinking about ways of changing what we want.
Of course we can not be aware of the concequences of all the choices we make, but anyway we choose, for some reason, and that's because freedom is something that is a part of human beings, it is in our nature.
But what touched me more of this opinion you wrote is the question of "do we actually take into account what WE want?" because, you know?, I think it is really important to reflect our priorities according to what we really want, to what makes us happy, because I think that happyness is the rout to "living a good life".
I realy like what you say: "helping others, who we are educating, to enrich themselves", that is really good, and you know?, we students find that very useful (education is not just about some grammar structures, hehe).
Thanks Dido for you contribution, you are helping us to keep it real for our students.... Sometimes I believe that we are missing the real point, but then I realise that in a way we are building the teacher we want to be, what's more, the society we want to live in....
I definitely agree with Dido when she(?) says "happiness is the path to a good life"... What has just dawned on me is that, since my aim to help people get a good life by means of an education, teaching is actually about making people happy!
Had never seen it that way!
Thanks, Dido (and Yohana, for starting this discussion)!
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